Our Passion & Our Love

Our Passion & Our Love

Friday, October 24, 2014

Burdock Root: Holistic Benefits for our Dogs

While walking Keysha & Struga along the river bank, we noticed how Burdock grows in as much abundance as the cat tails, goldenrod and other weeds that take advantage of the moist, wet grounds and as I began to dig up the burdock root this morning, the reminders of why this plant is pesky was very apparent. Within no time at all, like magnets to metal, they stick to you.   Not only having to pull out the burrs that almost instantaneously stick like velcro and bury themselves into the deep fur of the dogs, I am  still finding these sticky little things holding my shoe laces together and finding them on the back of my shirtsleeves, however what may look like a mere weed or homely root can actually be a very potent medicine.  Not only does this root have a wonderful health benefit to humans, it is quite beneficial and healthy in the same fashion to our dogs as well

The burdock is distinguished for its effectiveness in cleaning the body of all toxic deposits when used over a period of time. Therefore, burdock is also known as a ‘blood purifier' and has a diuretic action having the ability to flush out all toxic wastes from the system.  It is highly effective in healing arthritis as well as liver and kidney disorders. When burdock is added to a dogs' diet, it helps in "sorting" out the lethal contaminants found in the atmosphere from their system.
For those who are unfamiliar with the herb, burdock is not only an effective, but also safe aromatic plant and can be administered without any apprehension of adverse effects or any degree of toxicity. Instead, the herb helps in eliminating toxicity. What is more interesting is the fact that even most dogs like the flavor of burdock and eat it willingly.

In addition, when taken as a tea or tincture, burdock root is effective in treating chronic or acute psoriasis or eczema. It can also treat flaky, oily, or inflammatory skin disorders as a result of an overload of toxic substances in the body.

Possible Interactions
There are no known scientific reports of interactions between burdock and conventional medications. However, you should talk to your vet before giving burdock if your pet has taken any of the following:

Diuretics (water pills) — Burdock could make the effect of these drugs stronger, causing your dog to become dehydrated.

Dehydration-  If your dog is dehydrated, avoid giving burdock root due to it's diuretic effect and could worsen your dogs dehydraiton

Medications for diabetes — Burdock might lower blood sugar, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

If you are not the adventurous and digging type and choose not to forage this root on your own, you can find fresh burdock root at many health food stores as well as dehydrated and mix it in your dogs food

Suggested Use: Add cooked burdock root (found in the produce section of health food stores and Asian markets) to your dog's food, or give him a piece of raw burdock to chew on, like a carrot. Or purchase dried burdock and steep one teaspoon in a cup of hot water; let cool and pour over your dog's food

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