Our Passion & Our Love

Our Passion & Our Love

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dear Guardian

With all the research that has been done on the ingredients that go into dog treats there are ingredients that shouldn't even be there.  The Artificial colors, flavorings, preservatives and much more.. Shouldn't we wonder how should our dog treats be flavored? The answer is simple: their treats and food should just be itself.  There is no need to add flavors, colorings or preservatives.So many of the colorings, flavorings and preservatives are slowly killing our K-9's.Look at the small print on your store bought Dog Treats.  The majority of them read more like ingredients for rocket fuel or a science experiment rather than treats for consumption by your K-9.   The majority of the larger companies have more of an interest in your wallets than the health and well being of your Dogs or Pets that we call family members.  Guardians who have their dogs’ life-long health foremost in their minds are willing to pay more for more natural products that don’t needlessly expose their dogs to potentially toxic chemicals.It is the artificial colorings (dyes) such as red #3, green,blue or yellow followed by ANY number one should be suspicious of since these chemicals that are used to dye foods are a group of highly reactive molecules that may interact with DNA and increase the mutation or cell transformation. The BHT, BHA, TBHQ, are artificial preservative known to possibly cause cancer.Being Guardians of 16 years to three fur-kids and feeding them the "traditional" way with commercial foods and treats from the stores and the best of Vet care along with more love than we could possibly give we questioned why did they all pass from either Cancer, Diabetes, Glandular problems, Cushings, and other medical issues, We began our own research 6 years ago by reading Dr. Wendy Volhard, Dr. Pitcairn, Dr. Marty Goldstein, Rodney Habib from Planet Paws Pet Essentials, and others, we changed their dietary plans to a more holistic way of feeding. We began to make more homemade foods and treats.  When our last fur-kid, Kayak passed in 2012 we promised ourselves when we rescued again, and we did ( Keysha & Struga ) we promised we would never feed commercial again.  Yes, we proudly feed Raw and all the treats Keysha & Struga receive are House Wolf K-9 Dog Biscuits and other treat recipes we make that are found on our House Wolf Face Book Page.We stand proudly behind the name House Wolf K-9 Dog Biscuits and each flavor of biscuit treats we make for you will Never find artificial colorings, flavorings or preservatives.  We also will never add Wheat, Corn or Salt.

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